It is often said that elegance is not within everyone's reach, which is totally false. We tend to think that you have to wear designer clothes to be stylish. An overpriced hat may seem glamorous to you, but once you put it on, the results aren't necessarily what you expected. Here are some tips for dressing elegantly while keeping it simple. The world of dating is a world where appearance plays a very important role, don't forget that.


Tight or loose? Clothing size, an essential indicator

The goal here is to be elegant, both when doing a photo shoot, but also when meeting your crush. Everything is played in a few milliseconds in the head of your date in order to know if you are pleasant or not, so bet a lot on your style of dress! You must highlight your figure, and for that choose clothes that are your size, that stick to you well. It doesn't matter if this or that outfit has charmed you, if it's too big, your elegance will take a hit. If you have trouble choosing clothes that make you look good, it's time to go shopping with your friends to get an outside opinion.

You can also ask the opinion of the sellers who will advise you on the best clothes. Do not be shy and clearly expressed the purpose of this purchase, people wanting to improve their image, there are many more than you think in stores.

Follow fashion, not necessarily

The world of fashion is a difficult world to tame as it is changing daily. Do not rush to the first advertisement of the new trend of the summer. It is important to think carefully about what highlights us, and not what highlights models who do not necessarily have your size or morphology.

The hairstyle, not to be neglected

Coming with messy hair because you're leaving work to go to your date can be a good idea on paper, but in practice. It is better to be neat and that goes through a good haircut (and beard for these gentlemen). So before planning your date with your crush, don't forget the stakes, succeed in seducing. Doing a little refreshment of your haircut allows you to be elegant quickly.


Entrust the task to an experienced hairdresser, who will put his know-how at your service. A nice cut will also help you easily choose clothes that suit your style.

A new style, it's nice

Having a certain style is also the secret to being trendy. Dressing in an original way shows your courage and your determination and it will only make you feel better and give off more confidence in yourself and this is what your future partner is looking for. However, always keep it simple. Avoid extravagant outfits that may make fun of you. Entrust your ideas and your inspiration to professionals for good advice. Dare to create your own style according to your budget.

Bouncer tip, the shoes

I was reading an article one day on a site to successfully flirt in a club and I came across a sentence that made me think so much it is true. The first thing we look at in a person we meet for the first time are their shoes, and quickly in our head we will form a sure opinion about the person. In a nightclub, the bouncers will also look at the shoes first in order to know if the person in front can enter or not, because the shoes give certain indications of who we are. Badly maintained shoes, with stains or holes do not make you want to know more about the person because you will directly think that this person is negligent with respect to his style of dress and in general with his belongings. So a piece of advice before going out, clean your shoes, if they have holes change them, of course it's a bit expensive, but we're putting the odds on your side!

Besides, a very good article from the oldest dating site talks about it here, take a look: -chaussures-disent-de/

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