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Official Blog of MyDatingReview

Because dating should be a Game, not a Test

Over the past few years, new terms have emerged in the realm of dating and seduction. Today, we will focus on a technique called "love bombing." Behind this deceptively charming name lies a much more toxic method of relational manipulation.

The Manipulation of Feelings by Love Bombing


You've m...

Couple fighting after breakup

Who has never been tempted to go back to their ex 😉 ? I think we've all been through a period like this, with someone we were attached to, whether it was a little vacation fling or someone who shared our lives for many years. But isn't the question we have to ask ourselves, is it really healthy to g...

What is burnout dating

Burnout Dating, when should you know when to stop?

Everyone knows the definition of professional burn-out, but few people know that this term also exists in the field of dating. scale in the face of the growing use of dating apps?

Who hasn't experienced this situation before? The first match g...