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Official Blog of MyDatingReview

Because dating should be a Game, not a Test

Over the past few years, new terms have emerged in the realm of dating and seduction. Today, we will focus on a technique called "love bombing." Behind this deceptively charming name lies a much more toxic method of relational manipulation.

The Manipulation of Feelings by Love Bombing


You've m...

What is burnout dating

Burnout Dating, when should you know when to stop?

Everyone knows the definition of professional burn-out, but few people know that this term also exists in the field of dating. scale in the face of the growing use of dating apps?

Who hasn't experienced this situation before? The first match g...

Hand who send a message on a smartphone

And that's it ! You have a game! Now comes the long-awaited moment to send the first message, and it can quickly become a delicate ordeal.

Difficult to get started, because you want to attract attention, use the right words, the right turns of phrase... more generally, so to write this famous mess...

A woman who's take selfie

Before taking a new selfie, with a “dog 🐶” filter like you can take on Snapchat, you should take the time to read these few lines straight out of an analysis of the biggest players in the dating world , we are of course talking about Tinder and OkCupid!

Everyone agrees that filters are cool beca...

Smartphone with tinder apps working

When signing up for a new application, it is common to expect almost immediate results. If this is the case for the majority of women, for guys, the result is not quite the same. It will indeed be necessary to wait a few hours or even a few days before having his first like.

Waiting for the imme

Target on people on dating apps

Dating sites and today dating applications are becoming more and more democratic. It's becoming more and more common to create a profile on one of these applications when you are single, or not. While in 2013 only 14% of 26-65 year olds had tried a dating app once, today, around 30% have tried a...